Monday, July 30, 2012

My Childhood With Jesus

Why don't you come with me little girl, on a magic carpet ride? - Steppenwolf

I grew up in a family with a Catholic Dad and Protestant (Baptist) Mom. My earliest memories are of a picture of Jesus, the one above, hanging on my bedroom wall. I was naturally a happy child, intelligent, and highly imaginative. Neither outgoing nor introverted, I divided my time between playtime with friends, voracious reading, and daydreaming. My inner world was filled with magical creatures and places; it was there I found a safe place.

My parents were not very religious in those days and I don't remember going to church when I was very small. They began attending Holy Trinity Catholic Church when we moved to Westfield, NJ. I had no idea what was going on and my confusion continued when I was sent to CCD. I thought the priest was God! Unknown to me, my mother was meeting with that same priest to become fully Catholic. After hearing about the doctrine of Purgatory she talked to my Dad, who at that time had no interest in religious matters, and asked him if she could bring the kids to a Protestant church. He was fine with it, so she went looking.

So when I was six years old my brothers and I began attending Sunday School at Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church. It was there I met Jesus. He was loving and gentle and died for our sins. Since I sometimes did bad things I got the sin part but did not understand how he actually had to DIE to make them right. A spanking and getting sent to my room seemed enough for my parents. I figured he had to go this far because there were some really bad people. And although I was introduced to the concept of Hell, the Sunday School teachers wisely did not make a big deal of it.

Basically all the children K-6 met in the big hall downstairs, sang some songs and then broke up into grade levels where we were taught a Bible lesson, recited our memorized Bible verse for a prize, and had a snack. When we graduated from sixth grade we went upstairs with the older children. We had Friday Night Fun and Game night, summer camp, and hymnsings at the pastors house. We played volleyball, had incredibly creative Christmas pageants (thanks to an art teacher member), and sleepovers. It sounds pretty basic but considering the indoctrination levels of today's churches, very healthy and fun. Church was a good place.

Unfortunately it did not last...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Peaceful Passage

This is a new blog to record my journey from Christianity to Buddhism and hopefully, some of the insights I get along the way. In no way do I wish to slam my once revered religion, but examining certain aspects realistically is crucial for an accurate discernment. I know many, many good people who are living good and compassionate lives. And although his role in my life has changed profoundly, I still love Jesus. I will always love Jesus.

I have a unique perspective by being both Protestant and Catholic at different times of my life. Theological and hierarchical problems in both reared their heads as soon as I was able to think critically. Much was neutralized by the good people in both churches. The rest was brought in line with dire threats instilled in us by those who exploit faith to achieve power. So it took years, decades really, to separate myself fully from the teachings. I was introduced to Buddhism about ten years ago by a Catholic priest and it gently took over my heart. My story will probably sound familiar to some, completely alien to others. And that's ok.